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Gareth Kiernan joined Plenisfer Investments in September 2020 as Head of Middle Office. Gareth brings 20 years’ experience to Plenisfer Investments previously working in Amundi and Pioneer Investments. Prior to the acquisition of Pioneer Investments by Amundi, Gareth held roles as Deputy Head of Middle Office for Single Manager funds and VP of Derivative Operations. During his time there, he took lead responsibility for projects, such as the implementation of ESMA’s EMIR regulations and OTC Clearing, across Pioneer Investment’s European entities.
Following the acquisition of the firm by Amundi, Gareth led the migration of the ex-Pioneer regulatory reporting function and CFD funds to the Amundi proprietary platforms and, following on from that, the outsourcing of the Amundi Regulatory Reporting function and CFD middle office function to a third party provider.
Based in Dublin with his wife and two children, Gareth holds a degree in accounting and finance from Dublin City University.
Plenisfer Investments SGR S.p.A.
Via Niccolò Machiavelli 4
34132 Trieste (TS)
Via Sant'Andrea 10/A, 20121 Milano (MI)
+39 02 0064 4000
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The value of your investment and the return on it can go down as well as up and, on redemption, you may receive less than you originally invested.
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